

Thursday, January 27, 2011


My experience happened Monday the 17th. It was a day that I will never forget. Possibly one of the happiest days of my life. I'm sure your all wondering what happened on this day. Well I will begin with saying it was positive! Nine months I had been waiting for this and it finally happened, I was pregnant. I will have to say nothing went wrong. It was a perfect day, it was my husbands birthday and we found out that their would be a new addition to our family. The thing that went right was that it had finally happened, I had been waiting to see that positive sign what seems like forever. In that moment everything felt right. I wouldn't change a thing. I'm actually glad it took a long time to happen. It was a more exciting moment, because it was something we wanted so bad and thought would never happen. My husband didn't believe it, he made me take five test before he thought it was real. Then he said we could call our family and tell them the good news. Lets just say their were a lot of tears and smiling faces that night. The overall positive perspective result is that if you wait good things will come your way and I think nine months was long enough for me. I will say God is good all the time!