

Friday, February 25, 2011

First Ultrasound

My experience this week was the first ultrasound to see our precious little baby. It couldn't have been more perfect. A close friend of the family gave us the ultrasound. My husband and I got to see our little baby moving all over the place. I will have to say nothing went wrong. What went right was that we have a perfectly healthy baby that was very active. The thing I would have changed about that day was not having our little boy there to see the baby in my belly. I know he would have loved to see he/she moving everywhere, all he ever talks about is the baby in mommys belly. We had pictures to bring home to show our families and even a picture for our little Coco. It made things feel more real, everyone is very excited and anxious to meet the baby. The overall positive perspective result is that seeing our baby moving around and knowing everyday he/she is growing inside me tells me how awesome our God is.

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