

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Last Blog

The experience I will shall is writing my last blog. What went wrong, well nothing because it' my last blog and this may be bad to say but I am happy! What went right is that I remembered to do it and so glad I no longer have to right another one. It's not that I minded doing it, it's that I would always forget or I would have to come up with something to write about. However it is nice to blog about things to get them off your mind. What would I change? I would not change anything about writing this last blog. I am actually doing it 4 days before it is due, so go me! I'm sure everyone else is excited about writing their last blog. If they are anything like me, they are busy busy busy and this is one less thing I have to worry about. The overall positive perspective result is that although I am excited about writing my last blog, I did enjoy sharing my experiences and reading others.


  1. I forgot just about every time we had a blog due so I know what you mean haha :) hope ya have a good summer and good luck with your new baby boy :)

  2. That feeling you get when you realize that you've forgotten to blog is the worst. Trust me!
